In today’s society, there is a great need for people like Rod Michano. He has dedicated his life to educating and helping others with HIV/AIDS. This man has beaten the odds for twenty plus years and has often spent months in a hospice.
As a parting thought, consider this quote by Rob Michano: ““My goal is to offer peace and hope to all people in this life, especially People living with HIV/AIDS, regardless of what our Creator places in front of each one of us. My own illness has actually taught me about life…how to live in a better way, both spiritually and mentally. The one thing I have learned most is to never give up…through the worst of circumstances, sometimes come the most valuable lessons of our existence. I had to make a choice, to live or die, but I chose to live…I believe the Creator kept me here to send this message of hope to all people of Mother Earth. Just never give up.”